Force your opponent to react in predictable ways so you can be ready with fight ending submissions.
Blend your Side Control attacks with Knee On Belly to create nonstop submission sequences.
Lucas covers concepts of control that keep you on top with slick transitions and unbreakable grips.
Revitalize your Knee On Belly position with Lepri’s game plan that forces your opponent to make mistakes.
Take advantage of those mistakes with lighting fast submissions that Lucas Lepri has used at the highest levels of competition.
Master Lepri’s favorite submissions like the baseball bat, Canto, and Paper Cutter choke variations!
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Rilis Maret 2021
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Precise Side Control and Knee On Belly Attacks by Lucas Lepri

  • Product Code: bjj997
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rp.200,000

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Tags: attacks, knee on belly, lucas lepri, precise, side control