
Pilates merupakan senam yang dilakukan dengan cara mengombinasikan latihan kelenturan, kekuatan tubuh, pernapasan serta rileksasi. Pola dasar gerakan menitikberatkan pada gerakan-gerakan otot panggul dan otot perut. Pilates termasuk olahraga non-impact, mengutamakan bentuk tubuh, kelenturan serta gerakan yang fleksibel dirancang untuk melakukan kontrol keseimbangan tubuh yang sempurna (balanced development), focus pada otot serta dapat memperbaiki gangguan pada tulang belakang.
Nama Pilates diambil dari nama penemunya yang berkebangsaan Jerman yaitu Joseph Hubert Pilates.
10 Minute Solution Prenatal Pilates-Lizbeth Garcia-Senam Hamil Pilates
No time to exercise? We have the solution for you – the 10 Minute Solution! Everyone can find at lea..
10 Minute Solution-Pilates on the Ball
No time to exercise? We have the solution for you the 10 Minute Solution! Everyone can find at least..
10 Minute Solution: Butt Lift-Christine Bullock
Apakah anda ingin memiliki bokong yang indah dan seksi ? sudah pernah mencoba produk lain tetapi has..
10 Minute Solution: Pilates-Lara Hudson
NO TIME TO EXERCISE? We have the solution for you – the 10 Minute Solution! Everyone can find a..
15 Minute Everyday Pilates-Alycea Ungaro
No time to exercise? No problem! DK's new 15-Minute Fitness series gives you all the tools you need ..
5 Day Fit Pilates-Ana Caban-Jillian Hessel
5 Day Fit Pilates-Ana Caban-Jillian Hessel DVD INCLUDES Five unique Pilates worko..
Attitude Ballet and Pilates Fusion-Bernadette Giorgi-Just B Method
A series of two fun and challenging classes with no high-impact moves so everyone can participate. T..
Balance Ball for Weight Loss-Suzanne Deason
Our Pilates inspired Balance Ball for Weight Loss DVD with Suzanne Deason jumpstarts your fat-burnin..
Element Pilates Weight Loss for Beginners-Brooke Siler
Pilates can transform your body in a way no gym equipment can match. Filmed on a breathtaking locati..
Element-Targeted Toning Pilates for Beginners-Elizabeth Ordway
Filmed in a lush garden overlooking the Pacific Ocean, these three powerful 20-minute programs are d..
Exhale Core Fusion Pilates Plus
Latihan kardio sangat baik untuk membakar kalori dan menurunkan berat badan, tetapi bukan berarti ha..
Flat Abs Pilates-Mari Winsor
Pilates merupakan senam yang dilakukan dengan cara mengombinasikan latihan kelenturan, kekuatan tubu..
Pick Your Level Weight Loss Pilates-Ellen Barrett
Pick Your Level Weight Loss Pilates-Ellen Barrett Awarded Top Workout DVD of 2006 by ..
Pilates for Life: Prenatal and Postnatal Pilates-Amy Brown
Instructor Amy Brown presents another entry into her Pilates For Life series with PRENATAL & POS..
Pilates Weight-Loss Workout For Dummies-Tracey Thompson
Pilates Weight-Loss Workout For Dummies-Tracey Thompson This unintimidating program takes you th..
Pilates Workout for Dummies-Michelle Dozois
Pilates is a form of exercise which is extremely popular in America, but hasn't reached the same diz..
Pilates Yoga-Barbara Becker
Together with her coaches Tanja Krodel and Dr. Christian Reichardt, Barbara Becker leads by a streng..
Prevention-Flatten Your Belly with Pilates-Michelle Dozois
If a flatter, more toned midsection is your goal, get ready for a belly-firming breakthrough. This s..
Quick Start Pilates for Weight Loss-Ana Caban
Quick Start Pilates for Weight Loss-Ana Caban Quick Start Pilates for Weight Loss: Ge..
The Mari Winsor Pilates for Pink Core Challenge-Mari Winsor
The Mari Winsor Pilates for Pink Core Challenge-Mari Winsor DRAMATICALLY TRANSFORM YOUR BODY wit..