This DVD is broken into Abs, Legs and Buns, and Arms and Shoulders. Each section has 3 level of intensity and each workout is about 10 minutes long with the exception of level 3 which seems to be closer to 15 minutes. If you follow her instructions I am sure you will see results. She suggests that you do each level about 3 times a week before moving on to the next. You can get a full body workout if you do 1 level of each section. I like this idea and have been using this DVD for a while and I get more comfortable each time and I feel my abs getting stronger, my arms and shoulders tighter and my legs and buns more toned.
I enjoy working out to the Denise Austin DVD. There are multiple levels, and each level is about a 15 minute workout. There are three different workouts for the arms/shoulders, abs/core, and legs/hips. You will need 1-5lb weights for the arms/shoulders workout. The exercises feel good, and I don't feel over or underworked when doing them.
kualitas DVD Original
durasi total 126 menit
durasi 35 menit/workout
rilis 2005
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Get Fit Fast-3 Target Toning Programs-Denise Austin
- Product Code: fit204
- Availability: In Stock