• Farmer Burns 13 volume by Matt Furey
Farmer Burns by Matt Furey

No matter what style of wrestling or grappling you’ve studied, these videos are going to make you a helluva l`ot better. Not only will you be amazed at your new found skills, but so will everyone else.

The videos are structured just like the book, in 12 easy-to-follow lessons. You’ll get two videos at a time, that you can follow for four to six weeks.

Then, you’re ready for the next two lessons. In no time, you can be done with the whole course and then, by that time, you’ll be the next bonafide butt-kicker people whisper about when they see you walking the streets.

Again, I’ll be showing you the details, the setups and the variations that Burns never went into. I’ll also sneak in additional material that I learned from Karl Gotch. Priceless material to say the least.

Now, just to whet your appetite for this material, take a look at what you’ll learn in these lessons:

Lesson One

• 4 ultra-powerful breathing exercises that focus your mind, increase energy and strength, and make you supremely calm and confident while improving your athletic skills

• 7 exercises that double your hand speed – this will really throw your opponents off guard

• 4 exercises that build powerhouse shoulders, arms and grip strength

• 7 exercises that strengthen your neck from every angle and direction

• Six exercises that stretch and strengthen your legs and back – giving you incredible explosiveness

Lesson Two

• The proper leverage position for making single and double-leg takedowns amazingly easy

• How to hit a lightning fast double-leg on a big guy without even hitting a knee

• How to do a single-leg the old-fashioned way – you’ll learn how to Rip your opponent’s leg out from under him, even when he’s trying to sprawl

• How to go into one of the brutal step-over toe holds from a single leg

• How to avoid being choked when you shoot in – your opponent will be So helpless he won’t even be able to attempt that submission on you

• How to avoid getting trapped underneath your opponent when you shoot in

• How to beat the guard if your opponent jumps into it as soon as you shoot

• 5 easy ways to off-balance and set up your opponent for leg attacks

• How to crank your opponent’s neck and make him tap when he shoots in the way he was taught – and how to snap him into the same hold if he won’t shoot

• How to make your opponent do more than “Cry Uncle” if he turtles up on you

• How To Get Into One of Frank Gotch’s famous toeholds – caution, this hold is beyond painful

• The Farmer Burns’ “bar hammerlock” and how to get into it

• The quarter-Nelson and how it leads to a neck crank that no one will see – your opponent will feel it though, and he’ll tap out

• The half-Nelson and how it drills your opponent’s shoulder when done The old-fashioned way

• The three-quarter-Nelson and how it leads to more brutal pain and last but not least, three ways to apply a Full Nelson – a hold that is VERY, VERY illegal in amateur wrestling

As you can see, this is a ton of information for the first two lessons of the course. Learning just one thing the way I’ll be teaching it can literally catapult you to far more success than you currently imagine. But this is only the beginning.

Now look at what’s up …

Lesson Three

• The one most vitally important type of exercise you must be doing on a daily basis if you want to move to the top in the grappling arts

• What you can do to strengthen your life force and to turn weakness into strength and illness into health

• How to calm yourself and relax while under the stress of competition – learn what I did to program myself for success at the World Championships in Beijing, China

• The two biggest fears wrestlers have (fear of losing and fear of fatigue) and how to overcome them

• The unrevealed purpose of meditation in martial arts training and how to make it work for you – hint: it’s not for enlightenment

• Why elimination of excess tension will increase sensitivity to your opponent’s objectives and how this will instantly make you a better athlete

• Why stiff or flexed muscles react more slowly than loose, relaxed muscles – and how to reprogram yours to be lightning fast and super explosive

• The secret to increasing your energy without physical effort and how this translates to improved performance

• Why you should make your wrestling as hard as humanly possible for your opponent – but as easy as humanly possible for yourself

• What Dan Gable told us at Iowa that no combat athlete should be without

• Full body breathing exercises and how these make you ultra-senstive to anything your opponent does

• The “Farmer” Burns deep breathing method and how this alone reduces excess fat around the waist, improves digestion and increases energy

• Why the Taoists believed in doing deep breathing exercises before any creative endeavor and how this applies to catch wrestling training

• Special mind-power breath-holding calisthenics that increase endurance by a long shot

• How to double, even triple your hand speed via quick movements in all directions with 2-lb. dumbbells

• The “Farmer” Burns squat and how it hits the whole body simultaneously

• Another great exercise for increasing lung power and endurance

And it gets better and better on the technique portion as well. Take a look at what’s on …

Lesson Four

• The stance of professional catch wrestling and why it is NOT the same as amateur collegiate or freestyle

• The importance of how your hands, fingers and thumb are positioned from the pro stance – failure to heed this will make you susceptible to being double-wrist locked right from the feet

• How and why you should be able to go right into a stance from a normal walking position

• How to improve side to side movement and how to eliminate mistakes like crossing of your feet

• The amazing way to attack the legs, single or double, and do so without a penetration step – this alone can double-your takedown speed within one lesson

• The basic stances and positions on the ground; why your back should be rounded and feet tucked under

• Professional drills that teach you how to secure a double-wrist lock from underneath

• Why the amateur sit-out and switch moves from underneath are taught wrong – and how to greatly improve them with the pro method

• The reason why the old-time pros referred to leg attacks as “dives” rather than “takedowns” – knowing this little bit of history will change the way you attack people from now on

• A sensational drill that teaches you to get a single leg without a penetration step and even when your opponent knows it is coming

• The proper position of the head-outside and head-inside single and why this will make your finishes lightning quick and incredibly easy

• 3 power finishes to the head-inside single that are so simple a weakling can make them work

• The importance of being at the proper distance before shooting and how to gauge when you’re in range

• Professional style duck-under go-behind and how you can use it to bait your opponent into trying for a guillotine – when he tries, you go behind with ease and his choke falls off

• Super simple ways to flatten out an opponent who turtles up and how this will lead right into bar hammerlocks, chicken wings or a combination of the two

• The bar hammerlock, chicken-wing face-lock – we’re talking major MAJOR pain

• One small adjustment in your chicken-wing that will blow your opponent’s shoulder out of it’s socket – assuming he’s too stupid to tap out, of course

• How to prevent your opponent from winging and rolling you when you shoot the half-nelson

• A mind-boggling way to easily get an arm-bar when going for a half-nelson

• The catch wrestling style arm-bar and why it is vice-grip tight – also, learn where the fulcrum is (it’s not your balls) and why you don’t wrap your arms around his arm when you do the hold

• How to get into an arm-bar off the quarter-nelson

• Turning the crotch hold (or lift) as seen in Olympic freestyle into dangerous predicaments for your opponent – watch him cry in pain as you smoothly move into toe holds that he won’t see coming

• The whirling crotch lift to “Farmer” Burns one-arm stepover toe hold

• The further half-nelson to a figure four arm-lock on the near-side arm

• Getting into the figure-four arm-lock when your opponent shoots a head-outside single

• The lazy man’s way to prevent being taken down when your opponent is in on a deep single or fireman’s carry – works so well he’ll spin like a top

• Live footage of me snuffing a college wrestler with one submission after another – many of which take 15-20 seconds, and that’s starting on the feet – you’ll learn a lot just watching how catch really looks in action

Holy, moley, that’s a ton more – but guess what? Here’s what you’ll get on …

Lesson Five

• How to get a young child, even one that is a year old, started on the right track with exercise and why Farmer Burns stressed this as fundamental to the health of our nation

• The Furey one-arm Hindu pushup

• Live seminar footage from a seminar I gave at John Saylor’s dojo in Perrysville, Ohio

• Combat massage techniques that increase flexibility within one session

• The secret to rolling and kneading of the muscles and how this removes tension and pain from the body

• How to increase your energy through partner-assisted flexibility massage techniques

• The ways to dig through the pain in shoulders and make them feel 100% better within 10 minutes

• How to walk on someone’s back the way it’s done in China, and why this is great for relieving stress and improving your body’s energy level and flexibility

• Pressure point massage and why knowing all these points will dramatically improve your submission skills

• Dirty little attack points that make your opponent give you the limb, even when he doesn’t want to

• Ways to relive pain and increase flexibility in the lower back through assisted stretches

• Why you don’t want to pinch and grab tight muscles

• How to deeply massage with the use of knees and elbows – and once again, how this ties back into the mastery of submissions

• Secret method in China of pounding excessive tension out of the muscles

• Why you want to position a sore shoulder through several different movements when you massage it

• Ways to immediately increase energy flow in the body through manipulation of the feet and ankles

• How to knead all the knots out of your thighs and calves

• The sumo squat and how it simultaneously increases flexibility in your hips while improving leg and hip strength

• Another sumo stretch that increases flexibility in the thighs and groin

Now let’s take a look at what’s on …

Lesson Six

• Catch wrestling major weapon – the double-wrist lock and how to do it from the cross body position

• The importance of USING your thumb when performing the double-wrist lock and why not using it is piss poor technique

• Other mistakes people make when trying to do a double-wrist lock and the way to correct them

• The proper hold down position when going for the double-wrist lock – how to make your opponent uncomfortable BEFORE you even grab him

• The proper position of your opponent’s arm if you want to put him into excruciating pain instantaneously

• Why “hooking” is the same as fishing – and why you must remove the “slack” when executing a hold

• The unreal grip I use to double the force when applying a double-wrist lock

• The importance of getting your opponent’s limb off the ground when applying a submission

• Why the key lock or top wrist lock only works on the doofus – and the hold you really want (shoulder lock) to put on if you trap your opponent’s arm in that position

• Brutal setups (ripping) that make your opponent cough up the hold you want

• Pressure point attacks that make him give up the hold

• How to sit-out or switch or wrong side sit-out into a double wrist lock – your opponent will hate you when you smoke him with this

• The slight bridge double-wrist lock

• Standing bear hug with the secret Furey grip – why this grip and where it is placed will make your opponent “buckle” with ease

• The super fast way to get into the bear hug – he’ll never see it coming

• Why the bearhugs taught in other grappling arts leave you vulnerable to a headlock hip throw and other effective counters

• The “Farmer” Burns arm drag go behind to a body slam

• Arm drag to a Frank Gotch half-nelson lift and slam – and how to go right into a neck crank from that position

• Countering a double-leg with a front headlock that chokes out your opponent – and this is done when he has one arm inside my hold

• Front head lock to far and near side cradles – and how these lead to neck cranks

• Front headlock spin go behind

• Front headlock spin to low double-leg dive – insurance that prevents him from getting away

• How to choke out an opponent when he’s lying on his stomach and all covered up – so simple you’ll be in awe

• The difference between catch wrestling’s “sleeper” and the rear naked choke of other styles

• Why catch wrestling considered the ‘strangle’ or choke to be an inferior technique used by those who knew very little else

• Arm drag go behind to a standing sleeper

• Live footage of me sparring with 6’6′ and 320 pound pro wrestler Mohammad Studd – oh boy, this one is a lot of fun to watch

Onward now, to …

Lesson Seven

• Two-person bodyweight exercises and how these develop functional strength that is perfect for grapplers

• Develop greater sensitivity to your opponent’s every move

• How you can unconsciously telegraph your intentions, even when you haven’t moved yet – and how to correct this

• Learning how to tire your opponent out while you maintain your own energy

• Working without “working”

• One-arm interlocked fingers pushing drill

• The two-hand pushing drill and how it teaches you to “rock the boat” – knocking your opponent out of a good stance

• Drills that strengthen the stabilizing muscles of the shoulders – helping you recuperate from injuries and making you less injury prone

• Holding a short object and doing push-pull drills with them to build greater grip strength

• Full range of motion neck isometrics that can make your neck explode in size within days – these are not the same as those you have already seen

• Hammerlock resistance exercises and how this gives you strength in ways you cannot get any other way

• How to develop greater functional strength in your legs, from every direction and angle

• Why the ankles of most people are super weak and what you can do to correct this, even if you’ve previously had sprains and other injuries

• How to help realign the vertebrae after your body is beat to ribbons after a vigorous workout or match

• Amazing resistance stretches from the Boston crab, half-Boston and other positions, and how these give you incredible power

• Exercises that will make you less susceptible to being wrist locked

It just keeps getting better and better, huh? Now let’s see what’s on …

Lesson Eight

• How to begin putting the moves from earlier lessons together so that you are explosive and unstoppable

• An inexpensive way to put together an area at home for practicing your holds – and the great thing is that you can put the mats away when you’re done

• Key setups to the leg dive that make takedowns incredibly easy

• How to control the fingers of your opponent so that he has no power in his entire arm

• The super simple way to get control of the fingers while on the feet and why this setup is critical

• Why you don’t want to grab your opponent’s wrist with a normal grip

• The “dot” single setup that temporarily shuts down your opponent’s brain so that you get in quickly and take him down

• Two essential keys to making your single-leg dive an automatic reflex

• Where to position your hands and shoulders for maximum leverage “cake” takedowns

• The professional method of running the pipe to take your man down and why doing it this way puts him into perfect position to be tapped out with the Farmer Burns step-over toehold

• The elbow-dislocate setup to a leg dive – so painful he can’t help but go wrong

• Putting your setups into a chain of movement that keeps your opponent off balance and uncomfortable

• The importance of understanding the Greek myth of Achilles and how it applies to toe-hold leverage

• Why it is imperative to always work on 3-5 positions from each beginning hold

• Where the real fulcrum is when applying an Achilles type of lock – hint: it is NOT the tendon

• The Furey grip and how it applies to the catch wrestling toeholds

• How a simple gooseneck movement of your own wrist will make your opponent scream like an opera star

• How deep your arm should go when applying an ankle lock – failure to know this is why almost all ankle locks lack tendon-ripping, ligament-shredding leverage

• Applying the GABLE axiom to submission training

• The incredibly brutal Farmer Burns heel-hook toe-hold and how a tiny bit of pressure with proper hand placement will shred a guy’s knee lightning fast

• The proper way to shift from the Achilles to the heel-hook and how this MUST be done without any wasted motion

• How to use every single part of your body in a way that hurts your opponent – even your own ribcage

• How to go right into the Farmer Burns heel-hook toe-hold when your opponent’s falling to the ground as a result of a leg takedown

• The way to get into these toe holds when inside someone’s guard

• A simple “acid test” that proves whether or not you learned submissions from Karl Gotch

• The key element of toe holds that almost everyone misses almost all the time and why one simple change turned me into a leg-locking machine ¯

• Why the guard is easy prey for these toe-holds

• Ways to prevent being knocked over, swept or reversed

• The way to prevent being arm-locked or “triangled” when moving your opponent’s leg

• Why the common method of putting one knee up before going for a leg lock is absolutely horrible

• The funny-as-hell, easy-as-pie way to counter the way most ankle locks are done

• Why the counters most teach to ankle locks are futile against the Farmer Burns toehold

• The Frank Gotch toeholds – nearside and far-side and no-brainer ways to get into them

• How to prevent your opponent from lying on his back to avoid your attacks

• What to do on the cocky “I got flexible ankles and I ain’t tapping” opponent that will make him scream and beg for MERCY

• Why you should always exercise caution when drilling these submissions with your partner

• A surprisingly brutal toehold you can do when your opponent is in on your leg

• Live sparring action where you see the Farmer Burns heel-hook toehold and double-wrist lock applied against a top notch grappler

In Lessons 9, 10, 11 and 12, I will go into even greater detail.

More toeholds. More wristlocks. More neck cranks. And more devastating takedowns, throws and counters. Everything you learn in this course will help you frustrate the living hell out of your opponents. They won’t know which way is up and why you’re always putting a brutal beating on them.

You’ll also learn more takedowns, throws, reversals, submissions as well as setups and combinations. Each lesson builds on the previous ones and they just keep getting better and better. You’ll also learn precisely how to use these skills in a self-defense situation – as well as some nasty, brutal and dirty grappling secrets that Farmer Burns and Karl Gotch used.

And now for my special offer

All along I have been very reluctant to divulge the catch wrestling secrets Karl Gotch has taught me, not to mention what I discovered from Farmer Burns by putting in hours and hours on the mat practicing what he teaches. That’s why this video course is only going to be offered at the current price for a limited time.

The price has already gone up once and as more and more proud owners of the series send me testimonials about how effective the training has been for them and for their students, demand for the series goes up. Naturally, this will cause the price of the course to eventually rise once again.

But the truth is that I don’t want just anyone to have this home-study course. Some people have offered me money for the course and I have flat-out refused to sell it to them because I don’t like them or what they stand for.

Right now I only plan on selling another 100 sets of the course at the current price of $497 $297. After that I will probably move it to $997 or more.

Why would I do that? Because the information on these videos is priceless and for purely selfish reasons, I don’t want it made available to anyone and everyone. That’s also the reason why this course isn’t cheap. If what I have to offer is truly great, then there is no way I can justify “giving it away” for Honda prices. What I’m teaching is THE ROLLS ROYCE OF SUBMISSION FIGHTING. PERIOD! You can get a Honda anywhere – but for a Rolls, you gotta pay a lot more and drive quite a while just to find a dealership. If what I had to offer were common, if everyone else out there knew it, then it would be priced accordingly. But RARE TREASURE AIN’T CHEAP.

So hear this: After another 100 people have ordered their course, then the price will go up again (and eventually, I will simply decide to stop selling it altogether, as I have done with other products). In case you think this is merely a sales pitch, think again. I have plenty of other products that I once offered as a “limited edition,” and they are no longer available. I assure you that I will eventually do the same with this course.

I know that some of you will think the asking price is too much, that you can’t afford it. And that is fine. Believe me, I’m not going to lose sleep if you don’t buy.

Because the truth of the matter is that this course is not supposed to be for everybody. It is only for the real players who want to kick-ass and take-names the old-fashioned way. If you don’t really deep down in your gut want to be a butt-kicker, then $50 is too much for you to invest. The course will never get used anyway and I only want people who will use it to have it. If you’re too lazy, unmotivated and uninspired to do so, then it’s not even worth my time to take your money and send it to you. I make no apologies about this.

Believe me, if you don’t act now, someone else WILL come along and get the set that could be yours – and this person has the same dreams, goals and ambitions as you do. Thing is, he’s smart enough to take action to make them a reality. I sincerely hope you’re that type of person, too. But if you’re not, I’m not losing sleep over it because I know someone else will call or email or FAX their order to me very soon. If it’s not you – it’s someone else.

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Format file 10xMP4 240p
duration 9 hours 0 minutes
Release 2000

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Farmer Burns 13 volume by Matt Furey

  • Product Code: gul324
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rp.200,000

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