Complete Philly Shell System by Coach Anthony
Have you ever wondered how some of the best fighters in the world defend punches with the lead hand down?

How you use the shoulder to block shots, and how to be much more elusive?

Look no further!

In this program, I break down and teach the fundamentals of the Philly Shell.

NOTE: All the courses are mirrored in both Orthodox and Southpaw to help fit your need.
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Format file MP4  FHD 1080p
duration 0 hour 58 minutes
Release October 2021
Complete Philly Shell System by Coach Anthony

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Complete Philly Shell System by Coach Anthony

  • Product Code: tin199
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rp.150,000

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Tags: DownloadNow, Complete Philly Shell System, Coach Anthony, VideoBeladiri