• Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Volume 1 and 2 by Todd Taganashi
Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Volume 1 and 2 by Todd Taganashi

Todd Taganashi - Renegade Wing Chun 04 - Wooden Dummy: Vol.1 Drills and Concepts
In Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Vol. 1 Drills & Concepts, Wing Chun Kung Fu Expert Todd Taganashi teaches 6 wooden dummy drills that contain the main movements of the wooden dummy form. Although usually taught as a precursor to learning the form, these drills should be practiced continuously throughout the Wing Chun student’s lifetime in order to completely ingrain these movements into the subconscious, making them smooth and natural.

Pulling no punches with his in-depth analysis of key movements and concepts, Taganashi takes the guesswork out of this often misunderstood phase of training.

Features include:
- 6 Training Drills
- Detailed Explanations
- Combat Applications
- Theories and Concepts
- Partner Demonstrations
- BONUS Footage!

Todd Taganashi - Renegade Wing Chun 05 - Wooden Dummy: Vol. 2 Ip Man Lineage Form
The Wooden Dummy is perhaps the most iconic symbol of the Wing Chun Kung Fu System. In this video, 3rd Generation Wing Chun Kung Fu Expert Todd Taganashi demonstrates the full Ip Man Lineage Wooden Dummy Form. He then breaks the form down and teaches each movement section by section. Drawing from nearly 30 years of Wooden Dummy training experience, Taganashi goes deep into the underlying meaning and combat applications associated with the form.

Pulling no punches with his in-depth analysis of key movements and concepts, Taganashi takes the guesswork out of this often misunderstood phase of training.

Features include:
- Full Wooden Dummy Form
- Detailed Explanations
- Combat Applications
- Fighting Concepts
- Partner Demonstrations
- BONUS Footage!

Instant download only
Format file MP4 1080p
duration 2 hours 10 minutes
Release 26 February 2020
Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Volume 1 and 2 by Todd Taganashi

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Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Volume 1 and 2 by Todd Taganashi

  • Product Code: win316
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rp.315,000

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