Minimum Damage Maximum Effect by Kelly Mccann Aka Jim Grover

Realistic self-defense means being prepared for any situation, from a belligerent drunk to a ruthless serial killer. To do this, you need the right tools for the job and the knowledge to use them effectively. In this unique video, renowned personal security expert Kelly McCann presents a complete course in the use of less-lethal weapons, devices that can effectively incapacitate an attacker without having to resort to lethal force. McCann begins by discussing common hand-held self-defense devices and teaches you how to determine the difference between a useless gimmick and a true life-saving tool. He then reveals the secrets of improvised weaponry and shows you how to turn common items like credit cards and ballpoint pens into powerful defensive weapons. Finally, he gives you a no-nonsense course in the realistic defensive use of pepper spray, including proper selection, carry, and deployment; street-proven tactical applications; and immediate backup plans for times when the spray alone isn’t enough. This is one of the most eye-opening self-defense videos ever produced and a must for anyone concerned with practical self-defense. For information purposes only.

Kelly McCann is one of America's foremost experts on personal and corporate security, armed and unarmed combat, and antiterrorist tactics. As the CEO of Crucible Security Specialists, he and his staff have provided security training for audiences ranging from elite U.S. counterterrorist units to Fortune 500 executives. He is best known to the public as "Jim Grover," former personal security editor for Guns and Ammo magazine and noted author of numerous instructional videos on armed and unarmed close combat and the best-selling book Street Smarts, Firearms, and Personal Security

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Format file MP4 540p
duration 52 minutes
Release 1 September 2002
Minimum Damage Maximum Effect by Kelly Mccann Aka Jim Grover

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Minimum Damage Maximum Effect by Kelly Mccann Aka Jim Grover

  • Product Code: pra153
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rp.64,000

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Tags: DownloadNow, Minimum Damage Maximum Effect, Kelly Mccann, Jim Grover, VideoBeladiri