Are you ready to finally open your closed guard?
Don’t wait until you get your guard opened--Turn the tables and get AGGRESSIVE with Johnny Tama.
Transition from closed guard to all of the fancy new guards like the Mantis with ease.
Attack and sweep from positions like the Kiss of the Tiger.
When working from the bottom from closed guard you only have two options--Wait for your guard to be passed or OPEN IT AGGRESSIVELY. Do you want to be known as the person who holds onto closed guard for dear life? Or are you ready to take control and AGGRESSIVELY apply these open guard principles.
Keep them on their heels as you seamlessly move from closed guard to De La Riva or Reverse De La Riva or even Mantis Guard. Proactively take control of the guard game with Johnny Tama’s help and see how easy it is to take the back at will, sweep with unbelievable ease and even land those tricky submissions.
So, What's On This Series?
This four volume series is filled with only the most AGGRESSIVE and DANGEROUS open guard games. Even if you’ve never considered yourself an Open Guard player, this series is the blueprint you need to terrify your opponents and training partners every time you unlock your closed guard.
So, What Exactly Do You Get?
Part 1:
Two On One Guard Pull 
Shooting to sit up guard 
Ankle Pick
Transitioning De La Riva to Reverse De La Riva 
RDLR Drills
Double Frame Guard Retention to Arm Drag 
Inside Sit Up Guard DLR/Chair Guard 
Chair Guard to Mantis Guard
Part 2:
X Guard Sweep Bait to Kneebar/Saddle Sweep
Mantis Guard to 70-30 with Tama Lock 
Chair Guard to Modified X Guard Scissor Sweep 
RDLR Guard Retention with Pendulum Sweep
Kiss of the Tiger to Leg Drag 
Kiss of the Tiger to Kneebar
Part 3:
RDLR Outside Sit Up Guard to Back Take 
Sit Up Guard Retention 
Outside Sit Up Guard to Kiss of the Dragon 
Kiss of the Dragon to Leg Drag A 
Kiss of the Dragon to Berimbolo
Back Take Drill 
Kiss of the Dragon to Leg Drag B
Part 4:
RDLR Armbar/Monoplata
Kiss of the Dragon to 50/50 Leg Drag
The Leg Dragon 
Arm Drag A 
Arm Drag B 
RDLR Back Roll Sweep 
RDLR Kimura Trap
Closing Statement

instant download only
Format file 4x MP4 FHD 1080p
duration 2 hours 1 minute
Release 2020

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The Aggressive Open Guard No Gi by Johnny Tama

  • Product Code: bjj700
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rp.125,000

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Tags: johnny tama, no gi, open guard, the aggressive