Neil Melanson is back with BJJ Fanatics to show his entire system for staying safe and generating real grappling offense from the turtle position
Neil Melanson is one of the best grappling coaches in the world, with a rare mix of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, catch wrestling, MMA ground game, and other grappling disciplines.
Learn all of the inside secrets behind this key to Neil’s catch wrestling system - and how grapplers of all levels can use them for rapid improvement on the mats.
Use the turtle position to stay safe and make this potentially dangerous defense into a bulletproof strength with these simple adjustments.
See how wrestling reversals can get you back on top and into dominant position, including ankle picks, single legs, rolls, peek outs, and more
Lock up submissions that can finish the fight, including Neil’s devastating double wrist lock kimura series.
Kualitas HD 720p
Format file MP4
durasi 8 jam 57 menit
Rilis Maret 2021
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Tactical Turtle by Neil Melanson

  • Product Code: bjj1038
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rp.300,000

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Tags: neil melanson, tactical turtle