The definitive video training resource on the Pekiti-Tirsia Knife system is now available. Tuhon Tim Waid again presents the most detailed training instruction of the Pekiti-Tirsia system ever offered on video. This DVD delivers the authentic Single Knife/Solo Daga system in the proper system progression of Attacks, Close Quarters Counter-Offense (Knife to Knife Tapping system), and then presents advanced instruction in bridging, entering, and finishing tactics and techniques. Tuhon Tim Waid executes all attack techniques with the Live Blade and instructs how to properly develop fast and powerful strikes and precise control of the live blade in close quarters. Combat Offense and Counter-Offense drills are then taught while executing real attacks with effective bridging, tapping, and trapping tactics and techniques. All tactics are then effectively executed in real sparring. This DVD clearly demonstrates the actual speed, timing, power and range required to protect oneself from a close quarters knife attack, and, how to effectively attack, bridge, and quarter the opponent. Advanced tactics show counters for knife to knife trapping techniques and principles of advanced attacks.
Kualitas 480p
Format file MP4
durasi 0 jam 46 menit
Rilis Januari 2015
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The Authentic Pekiti Tirsia Kali: Knife Solo Daga System by Tuhon Tim Waid

  • Product Code: fil192
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rp.100,000

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Tags: kali, knife, pekiti tirsia, solo daga system, the authentic, tim waid, tuhon