Pekiti Tirsia merupakan beladiri filipina yang mengkhususkan pada penggunaan pisau, machete (golok) serta tangan kosong untuk membunuh lawan. Karena merupakan beladiri survival, Pekiti tirsia digunakan oleh tentara elite filipina serta pasukan pengamanan. Sesuai dengan namanya "Pekiti Tersia" berarti "jarak dekat" dalam dialek Ilongo Filipina, merupakan sistem dengan penekanan pada penutupan gerak kaki.
Tuhon Tim Waid reveals the true Fighting Skills and Training Methods of Espada y Daga / Sword and Knife. You will not find this authentic and advanced instruction and training of Filipino Martial Art Espada y Daga presented anywhere, by anyone. Demonstrated and instructed with LIVE Sword and Knife and Baston y Daga, this instructional DVD with show you the training methods to master the precise manipulation, coordination, and attacks with Live Espada y Daga for combat application. Instruction begins with an introduction to the Strategy and Tactics employed with and against Espada y Daga. Detailed instruction in the Basic and Advanced Diagonal Attacks system, Jabbing Attacks with the Daga, Transition Attacks, and Bridging Long range to Close Quarters. Advanced Tactics include the first ever video presentation of the Espada y Daga Contradas system attacks. All instruction is presented with real dynamic combat application, following with advanced instruction in attacking the opponents Daga with Broken attacks, Bridging with the Centerline Thrust, and attacking the Daga at close range. Tuhon Tim Waid then shows exactly how Espada y Daga is trained in the authentic Pekiti-Tirsia system and the Filipino Martial Arts. You will not see static drilling with little or no footwork, fake feeding attacks at false ranges, or unrealistic wrapping and trapping of sticks and knives. You will learn how to manipulate, attack and finish your opponent with Live Blades of Espada y Daga.
Kualitas 480p
Format file MP4
durasi 1 jam 8 menit
Rilis Januari 2015
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The Authentic Pekiti Tirsia Kali: Esapada Y Daga Sword and knife by Tuhon Tim Waid

  • Product Code: fil.194
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rp.100,000

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Tags: esapada, kali, pekiti tirsia, the authentic, tim waid, tuhon, y daga sword, knife