Control the ebb and flow of the match by winning the grip exchange. Understand the art of Kumi Kata (grip fighting) especially Charline’s cross grip approach.
Utilize off-beat attacks to catch your opponent mid-step!
Attack either side of your opponent with creative kuzushi that will get your opponent on the move.
Force a defensive response from your opponent to open up match ending armbars.
Learn to create transitions and keep your opponent off guard!
Kualitas 720p/DVD
Format file MP4
durasi 1 jam 35 menit
Rilis Agustus 2020
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Scoring Ippons In Transition by Charline Van Snick

  • Product Code: jud174
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rp.200,000

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Tags: charline van snick, in transition, scoring ippons