Catch Your Opponent By Surprise With Hybrid Judo Throws From Bilal Ciloglu!
Deploy unorthodox setups that Bilal uses at the highest levels of competition.
Dominate the pace of the match by combining throws into hard-to-stop sequences that anyone can learn.
Learn Bilal’s unique grip fighting details to take control of the action from the start of the match.
Use special sumi gaeshi set ups and variations that work great against overly aggressive opponents.
Add depth and variety to your throwing arsenal with Effective Hybrid Judo Throws!
Kualitas HD 720p
Format file MP4
durasi 1 jam 47 menit
Rilis Maret 2021
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Effective Hybrid Judo Throws by Bilal Ciloglu

  • Product Code: jud198
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rp.200,000

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Tags: bilal ciloglu, effective, hybrid judo, throws