Are you the type of grappler that fantasises about pulling off smooth takedowns? Or do you lose confidence when you’re up against an opponent who’s clearly anti-guard pull?
The only way to gain confidence is to get comfy in situations you currently feel uncomfortable in.
What better way to learn how to become un-takedown-able than with judo champ, Owen Livesey. If you don’t know who Owen Livesey is, believe me, you’ll know soon.
In his latest instructional “Just Stand Up”, he shows you a beautiful demonstration of how he’s perfected the union of judo, wrestling and no-gi grappling into a series of techniques that are bound to leave you the man/woman on top.

Instant Download Only
Format file 32xMP4 HD 720p
duration 1 hour 16 minutes
Release January 2022
Just Stand Up Judo and Wrestling for Nogi by Owen Livesey
- Product Code: jud242
- Availability: In Stock