Mastering Chokes is the second in a new ground-breaking series by BJJ pioneers John Will and David Meyer. Each DVD in this new mastery series, offers unparalleled instruction on a specific topic. You will be amazed at the high level of detail and technical info that this series offers. This goes way beyond a meager collection of techniques; the progressive structure and teaching methodologies employed in the development of this series, sets a new standard. But don't think that extremely detailed and concise instruction is a trade-off for quantity – these DVD's contain a serious amount of information; enough to satisfy the most hard-core BJJ aficionado's.
Chokes from the mount
-Black belt pointers
-Cross lapel choke from the mount
-Lapel half nelson choke
-Triangle from mount
-Double cuff choke
Chokes from side control
-Black belt pointers
-Cross lapel choke
-Spinning choke
-Forearm choke
-Jump over head/arm choke
Chokes from the guard
-Black belt pointers
-Front choke
-Cross lapel choke from guard
-Triangle from guard
-Single lapel lever choke
Chokes from side back control
-Black belt pointers
-Clock choke
-Single collar crucifix choke
-Collar and leg control crucifix choke
-Rolling lapel leg control choke
Chokes from back control
-Black belt pointers
-Double lapel choke
-Back choke
-Clock choke from back control
-Rear triangle from back control
Chokes from head to head
-Black belt pointers
-Rolling lapel half-nelson
-Rolling "T" choke
-Half triangle choke from head to head
-Chin lock roll-over to head/arm choke
kualitas DVDRip
durasi 3 jam 12 menit
rilis 2006
Mastering Chokes-John Will and David Meyer
- Product Code: bjj207
- Availability: In Stock