Cédric Doumbé puts his personal stamp on each and every aspect of this instructional. Learn his unique methods on all aspects of striking.
From wrapping your hands to his favorite signature combinations, Cédric provides his personal insight.
Prepare for each workout properly with World Class warm ups that will increase flexibility, mobility, and help you move like “The Best”!
Upgrade your ability to stick and move with entire sections dedicated to Doumbé’s BEST combinations and counters.
Diversify your striking arsenal with Cédric Doumbé!
World Class Striking Mastery is a comprehensive 3-part series that looks at the concepts, drills, and skills from Glory Welterweight Champ Cédric Doumbé! Cédric is a high-energy fighter who brings the action every time he steps into the ring. Through the use of evasive movement he is able to land hard shots and avoid damage. With this instructional, Cédric looks to bring you the exact training model he uses to stay at the top of the sport.
Part 1 of World Class Striking Mastery sets out to give you two distinct warm ups that are designed to increase flexibility and mobility while preparing you for even the most vigorous workout. If you have ever watched Cédric fight you will have noticed his ability to move in and out of danger at will. This is in part to his warm up routine. His routine will fit anyone who is looking to build dynamic flexibility and explosiveness with their striking.
Cédric continues to lay out a foundation for striking in Part 2 by covering how he wraps his hands and implements his fighting stance. This may seem like an afterthought for some experienced practitioners, but Doumbé inarguably provides a unique outlook on kickboxing that ANYONE can learn from. You’ll learn how Doumbé’s stance provides a perfect platform to strike from. Which is perfect because Part 2 closes by covering specifically how to strike like Glory Welterweight Champ Cédric Doumbé!
World Class Striking Mastery’s last section is designed to utilize what you learned from the first two parts to successfully implement counters, defensive combos, and offensive combinations. Once again, Doumbé adds his personal flair to each and every combo. This will have your opponent guessing what will come next!

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Format file MP4 3x 720p (please inform if you need FHD 1080p)
duration 1 hour 46 minutes
Release September 2020
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Digital video is available for immediate downloading World Class Striking Mastery by Cedric Doumbe
World Class Striking Mastery by Cedric Doumbe
- Product Code: mma191
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