Budo Ashisabaki Footwork by Toshishiro Obata

Toshishiro Obata is a world renowned swordsman who has trained in multiple styles of swordsmanship as well as Aikido (Aikibujutsu) and various lesser practiced martial arts. 

He is the head and founder of the International Shinkendo Federation and currently teaches in his Little Tokyo Dojo in Los Angeles, California.

Toshishiro Obata believes that a thorough understanding and mastery of ashisabaki (footwork) is the foundation upon which all martial arts are built. Obata demonstrates many of the essential and practical footwork patters for Shinkendo kihon waza (basic techniques), tachiuchi (sparring), and Aikido.

Additional patters in suriashi (gliding) and sashiashi (double step) format are also included.

Grid outlines accompany many patters to assist the student. Performing these patterns with a partner is an additional aid to mastering them.

Yoko Obata assists Toshishiro Obata in demonstrating in sotai (partner) format.

A bonus tameshigiri performance by Obata is also included that showcases dynamic and diverse cutting techniques, as well as tameshigiri utilizing the two-sword method.

Instant download only
Format file MP4 480p
duration 0 hour 32 minutes
release 03 July 2015
Budo Ashisabaki Footwork by Toshishiro Obata

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Budo Ashisabaki Footwork by Toshishiro Obata

  • Product Code: samu108
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rp.150,000

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Tags: DownloadNow, Budo Ashisabaki, Footwork, Toshishiro Obata, Beladiri Samurai