Fall 2019 Restraint and Control Camp Day 3 Ground Control by Kevin Secours

On day three of this camp, focus shifted to taking the subject down and controlling them on the ground. The ideology of responsible power is often grossly misunderstood. Professionals often believe that the idea of minimizing damage and risk to the subject is a fantasy or else a gross miscalculation that ultimately endangers the officer or interventionist. The complete inverse has been found to be true in our extensive training, pressure testing, and real world application.

Responsible power tactics prioritize gross motor skills that target the subject's trunk rather than their limbs (which are typically the focus in conventional restraint approaches). The trunk is the engine of body movement. Controlling the trunk first allows for better control of the limbs, whereas the inverse (controlling the limbs to seek control of the trunk) is an uphill battle, that tests poorly and has a far, far lower probability of success, while requiring a far higher decgree of mastery, and more training time and resources.

Responsible power tactics are evaluated on the basis of:

1-Motor complexity--we keep it simple so it works under pressure

2-Transerability-simple, natural grasping actions are easier and quick to teach

3-Scalability--we use the trunk as our base reference point, from which we launch a full continuum of force options as needed. Responsible power is not naïve or limited. It does not endanger the officer or divorce them from more forceful responses when merited.

4-Legality-this is not only about what we are seeking to do, but also how does it look to the general public. By staying closer to the trunk are in effect remain in the eye of the storm, minimizing excessive flailiing and struggle for the resistant limbs

5-Safety-trunk control allows the officer to better protect themself, taking cover behind the subject's rear diagonal flank, while simultaneously prioritizing protection of the subject's head and sitting them down, rather than trying to drive them onto their face

6-Flinch response--responsible power tactics functionalize the flinch and grasp response in the officer, while working with the subject's responses as well. Subjects wll tend to resist being driven onto their face with full force but are far more willing to agree to sit down. This is a simple question of biomechanics. Consider your body's ability to sit, vs. lay down face first quickly and with resistance and load on your back.

This download is essential anyone for serious about have options in a crisis.

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Format file MP4 FHD 1080p
duration  1 hour 51 minutes
Release November 2019
Fall 2019 Restraint and Control Camp Day 3 Ground Control by Kevin Secours

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Fall 2019 Restraint and Control Camp Day 3 Ground Control by Kevin Secours

  • Product Code: sys153
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rp.150,000

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