Street Proof Camp Spring 2018 Part 2 by Kevin Secours

This four day camp was dedicated to improving true self-defense readiness. Rather than focusing on technical aspects, the concentration was on creating an environment and providing a progression that would increase intensity, focus and decision-making while reducing fear and doubt. The roles of value, defining limitations, deconstructing fears and exploring inner aggression feature prominently as students were led through a rigorous marathon of pressure testing, analysis and self-reflection. In this download, basic self-defense striking tools are reviewed then creatively reinforced and tested, through drilling and simulation to reveal the reality of what is possible and what is not when the pressure is on. Students are additionally given the foundation tools to identify their perspectives, their self-limiting belief systems, and self doubt while slowly building their intensity.

kevin secours, self defense, protection, systema, combat, street, psychology, aggression, intensity,

Part 2 is dedicated to the end of day 2 and days 3 and 4 and includes a series of PDF worksheets.

instant download only
Format file MP4 FHD 1080p
duration  4 hours 7 minutes
Release April 2018
Street Proof Camp Spring 2018 Part 2 by Kevin Secours

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Street Proof Camp Spring 2018 Part 2 by Kevin Secours

  • Product Code: sys160
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rp.170,000

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