Wing Chun 03 Biu Jee by Jon Rister
Biu Jee Form is the third open hand form composed of short and long range techniques. From elbow strikes, finger thrusts, low kicks, and foot sweeps, this form reveals the urgent combat tactics used for counterattacking when the structure or centerline discipline is about to be compromised.

In this instructional video, Sifu Jon Rister not only teaches the form, but explains the training mindset and the understanding behind the application.

Sifu Jon Rister is a Wing Chun instructor under Sifu Francis Fong and has been teaching since 1987. He is also a certified senior associate instructor in Kali-Eskrima under Tuhon Dan Inosanto, as well as an instructor in Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do under Sifu's Dan Inosanto and the late Larry B. Hartsell.

Instant download only
Format file MP4 480p
duration 0 hour 36 minutes
Release December 2010
Wing Chun 03 Biu Jee by Jon Rister

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Wing Chun 03 Biu Jee by Jon Rister

  • Product Code: win294
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rp.190,000

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Tags: DownloadNow, Wing Chun 03 Biu Jee, Jon Rister, VideoBeladiri