Sandbags have been lifted, carried, and thrown for longer than we’ve all been alive. The sandbag is a tremendous tool for anyone looking to develop real world strength. Sandbags have stood the test of time for good reason. They are rugged, effective, and inexpensive.
Within this video, Ross shares the knowledge that he has acquired after training with sandbags for over 15 years. You will learn the most effective exercises for strength and endurance, along with information about how to successfully integrate these sandbag training movements within a routine. You will also learn the best and least expensive equipment options.
This package includes a 117 minute video about sandbag training and a 51 page electronic book.
Kualitas 480p
Format file MP4
durasi 1 jam 57 menit
Rilis April 2015
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Low Tech High Effect Sandbag Training by Ross Enamait

  • Product Code: wor126
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rp.50,000

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Tags: high effect, low tech, ross enamait, sandbag, training