First and foremost, this is not new levels of the original  FlowFit  (an excellent work out program), but new exercises that expand on the vocabulary of movement developed in the first program. This having been said, I would suggest getting comfortable with the second or third level (of four levels) of the first program before trying this one.
FlowFit II is about going from standing on your feet to lying on your back, front, or side, and back again, smoothly and without hurting yourself. A simple goal, with a sophisticated methodology. Rather than the traditional breakfalls, the aim is to use your entire body like the elastic structure that it is (can be, should be for someone in normal health), so rather than viewing the ground as a threat to be mitigated, the ground is just another element that can be used for leverage and resistance.
The exercise flow is well thought out and better instructed than the previous FlowFit, and is more directly usable. This is about falling, a thing we do, even people who are not training for UFC or combat, a skill that anyone can use. And the instruction is well structured and clear, and doesn't dwell on fighting or Scott Sonnon's background (unlike other videos where the instructor's ego interferes with the quality of instruction).
With minimal material and space requirements, this is a great addition to a fitness program for someone on a budget or who pursues a bodyweight fitness program for whatever reason.
This is an excellent product, and the program has become part of my personal training plan.
Kualitas 540p
Format file MP4
durasi 0 jam 48 menit
Rilis April 2006
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Flowfit 2 Ground Engagement by Scott Sonnon

  • Product Code: wor134
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rp.50,000

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Tags: flowfit 2, ground engagement, scott sonnon