Learn One Of The Most Unique Guard Systems In The World
Surprise your training partners with this unique system
Transform your guard by utilizing both Jiu Jitsu and Catch Wrestling principles
Implement these tricks easily and make your guard dangerous
Develop a nearly impassable guard
Become more dangerous from everywhere
Blackzillians MMA Coach Neil Melanson’s Guard Game Is More Efficient and So Much More Advanced Than Any Other Guard Out There
You may not have heard of Neil Melanson but the elite MMA fighters and coaches know exactly who he is and they listen when he speaks. Neil is one of the most respected figures behind the scenes.
Neil developed a guard system that is different and more effective than any other on the planet as all the famous fighters above attested. Neil started off learning grappling in the Hayastan school – it has roots in Catch Wrestling, Judo & Sambo under world famous coaches Gene Lebel and Gokor Chivichyan. To say it was a strict school would be to understate the reality by a mile.
Gokor told Neil that he would have to learn the bottom game very well, since his training partners such as UFC star Karo Paryisian were too advanced in their takedown games that Neil would not be able to catch up anytime soon.
Kualitas 720p/DVD
Format file MP4
durasi 3 jam
Rilis 2018
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